

Anjali , 52 years, Entrepreneur
"Took my health for granted & then LiveAltlife happened"
“As an entrepreneur, my busy schedule led to sleepless nights, weight gain & health issues. Finding LiveAltlife was a blessing!"

Aug, 20

A Tranformation Journey
Wanted to break free from my bad lifestyle choices
I always took my health for granted and this eventually led to a lot of health issues. I only realized that I was almost close to being pre-diabetic after I did a test through LiveAltlife and there was a need to improve my health.”

Hba1c - 6.1

Weight - 87 Kgs

Sep, 20

First Meal Experience
No longer apprehensive
“I had to tell my family that the meals were meant for me, they were excited to taste them all the time, and looking at their reaction and the way the meals tasted my apprehension towards it disappeared.”

Sep, 20

Improved Sleep Cycles
Never slept better
"Eating right and on time and exercising regularly helped me to sleep better."

Hba1c - 5.6

Weight - 84 Kgs

Oct, 20

Enticing Meals and Supportive Coaches
The program was the biggest motivation
“I was really tempted by the romance copies, it made me want to indulge in my meals almost immediately.”

Nov, 20

Disciplined Routine
My body picked up
“I got into a disciplined routine through the program. I now have dinner by 5.30/6 pm and I monitor my weight regularly.”

Hba1c - 5.5

Weight - 82.3 Kgs

Nov, 20

Irregular Periods
Didn’t realise that diet & exercise improved period cycle
“Something as simple as diet and exercise was able to bring my period back to normal and that was an eye-opener for me.”

Dec, 20

Overcame Bodyweight Insecurities
Understanding what it means to be healthy
“It felt great to be confident in my body, now I understand what it means to be healthy and it is a satisfying feeling mentally.”
A Tranformation Journey
Wanted to break free from my bad lifestyle choices
I always took my health for granted and this eventually led to a lot of health issues. I only realized that I was almost close to being pre-diabetic after I did a test through LiveAltlife and there was a need to improve my health.”

Hba1c - 6.1

Weight - 87 Kgs

First Meal Experience
No longer apprehensive
“I had to tell my family that the meals were meant for me, they were excited to taste them all the time, and looking at their reaction and the way the meals tasted my apprehension towards it disappeared.”
Improved Sleep Cycles
Never slept better
"Eating right and on time and exercising regularly helped me to sleep better."

Hba1c - 5.6

Weight - 84 Kgs

Enticing Meals and Supportive Coaches
The program was the biggest motivation
“I was really tempted by the romance copies, it made me want to indulge in my meals almost immediately.”
Disciplined Routine
My body picked up
“I got into a disciplined routine through the program. I now have dinner by 5.30/6 pm and I monitor my weight regularly.”

Hba1c - 5.5

Weight - 82.3 Kgs

Irregular Periods
Didn’t realise that diet & exercise improved period cycle
“Something as simple as diet and exercise was able to bring my period back to normal and that was an eye-opener for me.”
Overcame Bodyweight Insecurities
Understanding what it means to be healthy
“It felt great to be confident in my body, now I understand what it means to be healthy and it is a satisfying feeling mentally.”

" Cultivated healthy lifestyle routine "

“I have learned how to discipline myself and learned the joy of exercising and yoga. I do miss the gourmet meals but now I understand what it means to have a proper meal, proper is what works for your body.”




Aug, 20



Sep, 20



Nov, 20




Aug, 20



Sep, 20



Nov, 20

Medication Run Rate

Fasting blood sugar

Get back to good, for good.

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