

Narendra Dev, 43 years, Lawyer
"Better gut function, more mental clarity in just 10 days!
"Improved gut health, better respiratory function & enhanced mental focus."

Oct, 23

Narendra Dev
Health concerns
My body was experiencing inflammation.
I was introduced to LiveAltlife by a friend who experienced fantastic results while he was on the program. I was dealing with inflammation and felt like my body wasn't absorbing nutrients from my diet. Although LiveAltlife advertises itself as a diabetes reversal program, it resolved my friend's health issues outside of diabetes, which gave me hope. Since he was satisfied with the program and experienced great results, he suggested it to me.

Hba1c - 5.8

Weight - 73.5 Kgs

Oct, 23

Narendra Dev
Needed balance
The plan gave me discipline to improve my diet.
One of the reasons I did the program was to bring balance to my otherwise unbalanced diet. I have a sweet tooth and crave dessert after every meal. I would consume whatever appealed to my palate without thinking of the consequences to my health. As a result, I experienced significant gut health problems. The program helped me realise that food that appeals to my palate isn't necessarily good for my health. It gave me the ability to control my intense sugar cravings and so 'no' to unhealthy foods through a disciplined approach to diet. It also made me mentally more robust. I am also reassured knowing I always have LiveAltlife to fall back on if I ever fall off the wagon!

Weight - 72.8 Kgs

Oct, 23

Narendra Dev
Needed solution
I didn't have diabetes. I wanted to resolve other health problems.
When I reached out to LiveAltlife, I was pleasantly surprised by how prompt and responsive the team was. I had a chat with the founder, Vivek, who understood I was an atypical case because I was not diabetic and was not looking for diabetes reversal. I had other health concerns I wanted to resolve for a healthier life. Vivek suggested I start the 10-day program and then opt for the extended 30-day program if need be. My experience with the Kickstarter program was excellent, as I was quick to see results, thus encouraging me to do the 30-day program.

Weight - 72.8 Kgs

Oct, 23

Narendra Dev
Fantastic food experience
I was amazed at the effort to replicate 'normal' food with healthier ingredients.
I was expecting diet to be the biggest challenge since I was required only to consume food sent to me by LiveAltlife, but it turned out to be my best experience in the program. I was pleasantly surprised by the team's initiative to make all meals tasty. It was also quite exciting to have so much variety. I was impressed by the quality of the food - not just in terms of ingredients but the effort taken to make food taste like everyday food and not restrictive 'diet' food. I was amazed at how I got to eat dosas and puris made with high-quality, healthy ingredients that improved my gut health!

Weight - 72.8 Kgs

Nov, 23

Narendra Dev
No more inhalers!
My long-standing respiratory issues disappeared.
Although I started seeing improvements in overall health while on the 10-day Kickstarter program, I am amazed at the health benefits I experienced from the 30-day program. I had more clarity in my thought process; my long-standing respiratory issues started seeing significant improvement. I had suffered respiratory problems for decades and was frequently dependent on inhalers. After the 30-day program, that dependency disappeared, and I stopped using my inhaler.

Weight - 71.8 Kgs

Nov, 23

Narendra Dev
Quick, significant improvement
My bowel issues, respiratory problems improved. I had a lot of energy.
I quickly observed improvements in my health immediately after starting the Health Kickstarter program. My bowel issues and respiratory problems started resolving. My fatigue disappeared, and I had much more energy, which helped my hiking! I also noticed a clarity in thought and improved mental focus within those ten days. Since I didn't have diabetes and was an atypical case, I opted for the 30-day program instead of the 90-day program upon finishing the 10-day Kickstarter plan.

Weight - 71.8 Kgs

Nov, 23

Narendra Dev
Detailed, complex & specific
The detailed diagnostic reports show the depths LiveAltlife goes to understand problems.
I thought the diagnostic tests were similar to regular bloodwork, but when the results came out, I was surprised to see the tests were very detailed and complex! This proves how keen the LiveAltlife team is to understand the nuances of any physiological problems one may have. It shows how committed the team is to addressing and fixing these problems. My conversations with Vivek helped me understand they were trying to reset my metabolism on the plan, and I was on board!

Weight - 71.8 Kgs

Nov, 23

Narendra Dev
Regular follow-ups
The coach assigned to me would follow-up with me everyday.
The 10-day program comes with additional benefits. Apart from having food delivered to you every day, you can attend online yoga classes. In addition, the assigned coach religiously monitors how much progress is being made by the client. My coach would check to see if I drank enough water, participated in physical activities, stuck to the diet, etc. The coach also motivated me to stick with the program, especially in the first ten days. This was very beneficial to me because they were the most challenging!

Weight - 70.4 Kgs

Narendra Dev
Health concerns
My body was experiencing inflammation.
I was introduced to LiveAltlife by a friend who experienced fantastic results while he was on the program. I was dealing with inflammation and felt like my body wasn't absorbing nutrients from my diet. Although LiveAltlife advertises itself as a diabetes reversal program, it resolved my friend's health issues outside of diabetes, which gave me hope. Since he was satisfied with the program and experienced great results, he suggested it to me.

Hba1c - 5.8

Weight - 73.5 Kgs

Narendra Dev
Needed balance
The plan gave me discipline to improve my diet.
One of the reasons I did the program was to bring balance to my otherwise unbalanced diet. I have a sweet tooth and crave dessert after every meal. I would consume whatever appealed to my palate without thinking of the consequences to my health. As a result, I experienced significant gut health problems. The program helped me realise that food that appeals to my palate isn't necessarily good for my health. It gave me the ability to control my intense sugar cravings and so 'no' to unhealthy foods through a disciplined approach to diet. It also made me mentally more robust. I am also reassured knowing I always have LiveAltlife to fall back on if I ever fall off the wagon!

Weight - 72.8 Kgs

Narendra Dev
Needed solution
I didn't have diabetes. I wanted to resolve other health problems.
When I reached out to LiveAltlife, I was pleasantly surprised by how prompt and responsive the team was. I had a chat with the founder, Vivek, who understood I was an atypical case because I was not diabetic and was not looking for diabetes reversal. I had other health concerns I wanted to resolve for a healthier life. Vivek suggested I start the 10-day program and then opt for the extended 30-day program if need be. My experience with the Kickstarter program was excellent, as I was quick to see results, thus encouraging me to do the 30-day program.

Weight - 72.8 Kgs

Narendra Dev
Fantastic food experience
I was amazed at the effort to replicate 'normal' food with healthier ingredients.
I was expecting diet to be the biggest challenge since I was required only to consume food sent to me by LiveAltlife, but it turned out to be my best experience in the program. I was pleasantly surprised by the team's initiative to make all meals tasty. It was also quite exciting to have so much variety. I was impressed by the quality of the food - not just in terms of ingredients but the effort taken to make food taste like everyday food and not restrictive 'diet' food. I was amazed at how I got to eat dosas and puris made with high-quality, healthy ingredients that improved my gut health!

Weight - 72.8 Kgs

Narendra Dev
No more inhalers!
My long-standing respiratory issues disappeared.
Although I started seeing improvements in overall health while on the 10-day Kickstarter program, I am amazed at the health benefits I experienced from the 30-day program. I had more clarity in my thought process; my long-standing respiratory issues started seeing significant improvement. I had suffered respiratory problems for decades and was frequently dependent on inhalers. After the 30-day program, that dependency disappeared, and I stopped using my inhaler.

Weight - 71.8 Kgs

Narendra Dev
Quick, significant improvement
My bowel issues, respiratory problems improved. I had a lot of energy.
I quickly observed improvements in my health immediately after starting the Health Kickstarter program. My bowel issues and respiratory problems started resolving. My fatigue disappeared, and I had much more energy, which helped my hiking! I also noticed a clarity in thought and improved mental focus within those ten days. Since I didn't have diabetes and was an atypical case, I opted for the 30-day program instead of the 90-day program upon finishing the 10-day Kickstarter plan.

Weight - 71.8 Kgs

Narendra Dev
Detailed, complex & specific
The detailed diagnostic reports show the depths LiveAltlife goes to understand problems.
I thought the diagnostic tests were similar to regular bloodwork, but when the results came out, I was surprised to see the tests were very detailed and complex! This proves how keen the LiveAltlife team is to understand the nuances of any physiological problems one may have. It shows how committed the team is to addressing and fixing these problems. My conversations with Vivek helped me understand they were trying to reset my metabolism on the plan, and I was on board!

Weight - 71.8 Kgs

Narendra Dev
Regular follow-ups
The coach assigned to me would follow-up with me everyday.
The 10-day program comes with additional benefits. Apart from having food delivered to you every day, you can attend online yoga classes. In addition, the assigned coach religiously monitors how much progress is being made by the client. My coach would check to see if I drank enough water, participated in physical activities, stuck to the diet, etc. The coach also motivated me to stick with the program, especially in the first ten days. This was very beneficial to me because they were the most challenging!

Weight - 70.4 Kgs

"I resolved all my health concerns, thanks to LiveAltlife."

“When I started the program - designed to reverse diabetes - I knew I was an atypical case because I've never been diabetic. I had other health complications that needed to be resolved, and I chose LiveAltlife because I had faith in the LiveAltlife family. My friend, who had health complications similar to mine, introduced me to the program after he experienced terrific results from it. True enough, LiveAltlife fixed all my health concerns and changed my thinking. I've built solid, sustainable habits and feel like a new person!.”




Oct, 23



Oct, 23



Oct, 23



Oct, 23



Nov, 23



Nov, 23



Nov, 23



Nov, 23




Oct, 23

Medication Run Rate

Fasting blood sugar

Get back to good, for good.

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