

Sanjay Sunku, 39 years, Entrepreneur
"Being diabetic made me anxious for my future "
"As an entrepreneur, I never paid attention to health. I fixed that when I found the right solution with LiveAltLife."

Nov, 20

Sanjay Sunku
Discovery & Decision
Anxious yet motivated to fix health
Living with diabetes made me more anxious, I would think about my daughters and worry for my future. I was surprised by the research LiveAltlife has done to put together a comprehensive program that includes nutritious meals, fitness, regular checkups and diagnostics. I'm a fussy eater but when I spoke with LiveAltLife team, it gave me a better understanding of how nutrition works to help restore your health

Hba1c - 12.4

Weight - 91 Kgs

Nov, 20

Sanjay Sunku
First meal Experience
"Medicine" that is tasty & mouth-watering
When the first meals arrived, I was delighted that they weren’t packed in a plastic container and after taking a bite, it was more of a culinary experience for me. I never liked papayas and bhindi but the meals were tasty and now I ask myself as to why I stayed away from them

Dec, 20

Sanjay Sunku
Off Medication in 15 days
From three pills to zero pills
Surprisingly, I stopped my medication after 15 days into the program, and I have never taken my medication for diabetes since.

Hba1c - 8.2

Weight - 83 Kgs

Dec, 20

Sanjay Sunku
Bid Adieu to Acid reflux
No more heartburn, no more medication. Early and healthy dinners have helped improve my condition.

Jan, 21

Sanjay Sunku
From non-existent sleep to sound sleeper
Before the program, I would roughly get a deep sleep that lasts for 20-30minutes but now I sleep like a baby.

Jan, 21

Sanjay Sunku
Mindful Eating habits
No more empty calories cravings
By following the rhythm of the program - early dinner, sleep, fitness, and yoga, 14-16 hours of fasting window - it helped me to consciously adapt my body to a healthy regime. I now buy ice cream for my family but I have no cravings for it anymore.

Hba1c - 6.4

Weight - 79 Kgs

Feb, 21

Sanjay Sunku
See you never Diabetes!
No longer diabetic in medical terms
I was elevated every time I saw my reports since my health indicators were improving and after a span of 90 days, I reversed diabetes which was an achievement all by itself.

Hba1c - 5.4

Weight - 74 Kgs

Sanjay Sunku
Discovery & Decision
Anxious yet motivated to fix health
Living with diabetes made me more anxious, I would think about my daughters and worry for my future. I was surprised by the research LiveAltlife has done to put together a comprehensive program that includes nutritious meals, fitness, regular checkups and diagnostics. I'm a fussy eater but when I spoke with LiveAltLife team, it gave me a better understanding of how nutrition works to help restore your health

Hba1c - 12.4

Weight - 91 Kgs

Sanjay Sunku
First meal Experience
"Medicine" that is tasty & mouth-watering
When the first meals arrived, I was delighted that they weren’t packed in a plastic container and after taking a bite, it was more of a culinary experience for me. I never liked papayas and bhindi but the meals were tasty and now I ask myself as to why I stayed away from them
Sanjay Sunku
Off Medication in 15 days
From three pills to zero pills
Surprisingly, I stopped my medication after 15 days into the program, and I have never taken my medication for diabetes since.

Hba1c - 8.2

Weight - 83 Kgs

Sanjay Sunku
Bid Adieu to Acid reflux
No more heartburn, no more medication. Early and healthy dinners have helped improve my condition.
Sanjay Sunku
From non-existent sleep to sound sleeper
Before the program, I would roughly get a deep sleep that lasts for 20-30minutes but now I sleep like a baby.
Sanjay Sunku
Mindful Eating habits
No more empty calories cravings
By following the rhythm of the program - early dinner, sleep, fitness, and yoga, 14-16 hours of fasting window - it helped me to consciously adapt my body to a healthy regime. I now buy ice cream for my family but I have no cravings for it anymore.

Hba1c - 6.4

Weight - 79 Kgs

Sanjay Sunku
See you never Diabetes!
No longer diabetic in medical terms
I was elevated every time I saw my reports since my health indicators were improving and after a span of 90 days, I reversed diabetes which was an achievement all by itself.

Hba1c - 5.4

Weight - 74 Kgs

"Best state of health"

"I used to be a fussy eater, and I have never had eaten papaya and bhindi my whole life but the meals that were provided were so tasty that I found it easier to go through with the program. I had also never tried yoga but I enjoy it better now as I can notice the physical transformation. 15 days into the program, I was able to get off my medication and was able reverse my diabetes. Very thrilled with this achievement and I continue to stick to a healthy routine."




Nov, 20



Dec, 20



Jan, 21



Feb, 21




Nov, 20



Dec, 20



Jan, 21



Feb, 21

Medication Run Rate

Triple Combination Dose


Triple Combination Dose


Fasting blood sugar

Get back to good, for good.

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